Увлекательные, интересные и эффективные уроки занимательного английского языка в картинках

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Answer the questions.

Begin your answers with: if you ask me; set me right if I am wrong, but ...; it looks as if ....

1) These are Mr. and Mrs. John Brown.
As far as you can see Mrs. Brown is a rather talkative person.
What can you say to characterize Mr. Brown?

Make use of the following pattern in answering the questions given below:

A.: Why is she late?
В.: I don't know. С seems to know it.
(To C.) Do you know why she is late?
C.: She may have fallen ill.
A.: I thought so.
(I thought as much.
I don't think so.)

1) Who is Mrs. Brown talking with, do you think?
2) What may the talk be about?
3) Why is she surprised to see her husband offer her the armchair?

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2) How long, in your opinion, has Mrs. Brown been speaking?

3) Isn't she carried away by her talk? What makes you think so?

4) The telephone talk is an enjoyable talk, isn't it?

5) Do you think Mrs. Brown realized how long she had been on the phone when Mr. Brown moved a bed to the telephone stand?

6) Why did Mr. Brown offer his wife a chair, an armchair, a bed?

Make the following sentences emphatic:

Pattern 1
1) You had better rest.
2) Hadn't you better rest?
3) Do rest (a bit)!

Pattern 2
l) It's a nice book.
2) What a nice book!
3) Such a nice book!
4) So nice a book!
5) Isn't it a nice book!

Pattern 3
1) The man works hard.
2) The man does work hard.
3) Doesn't the man work hard?
4) How hard the man works!

1) Mr. Brown is a good (loving, considerate, patient) husband.
2) Sit down.
3) Mrs. Brown is a chatterbox.
4) She wastes a lot of time.
5) Take the chair.
6) Mr. Brown is a good-natured man.
7) Make yourself comfortable.
8) The woman talks much.

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